Rocking Up Party in the Park

It’s been busy busy busy this end, as we work towards getting our album written and recorded. It’s really coming on now, which we’re so excited about!

In the meantime, we’ve been trying to squeeze in some gigs as well, and we were really pleased to be asked to play St Columb Major’s “Party in the Park”. We’ve got a whole load of new photos, courtesy of our good friend Ash, and we’ll be posting those over the weekend, so if you missed it you won’t miss out, and if you made it you can remember the fun we had.

Have an awesome bank holiday weekend and enjoy the sunshine!



BKBB At Tavistock

Hi all! Thanks so much to everybody for making it to the Wharf at Tavistock this weekend. We had an amazing time, and it was brilliant to share a stage with the legendary John Verity. It’s been great to get the new line-up out and about too, and Adam and Nathan are really enjoying themselves. We think they’re awesome too, so it’s working all round. The sound is where we want it to be, and we’re busy writing new songs and planning gigs all the time at the moment!


Bass player Adam.


New drummer Nathan and his amazing aquatic-themed drum kit.

Thanks so much to you all for making it to the gig, we’ll see you next at Helstonbury and then Flynnfest, both on the 23rd July. Check out our upcoming gigs here.


2016 Is Set to Rock!

It’s been a while, but you know what they say – good things and all that. Well, you’ve waited and we’ve delivered! Not only are we currently beavering away in the studio writing new material for your ears, we’ve also been changing the line-up of the band and snapping up gigs! You waited: we delivered. And we promise it’ll be worth it!


There She Goes Again

We’ve been having a seriously good time this year what with all the places, gigs and more importantly, people, we have met.

So we thought it might be a neat idea to put a whole bunch of images into a little movie and celebrate. Hey, we celebrate every gig to be honest but this is more about a celebration of you!

Have a look at the video, we’ve stuck it up on YouTube, and it is of course over on Facebook, and who knows where else by now?

So do let me know what you think in the wee comments box below, I’d like that.

Cheers for now.